Frequently Asked Questions

Which divisions will compete at WJUC?

WJUC will operate divisions following the team eligibility rules for team rosters (Section D) with a minimum of six teams per division:

Under-20 Mixed (U20X)

Under-20 Open (U20O)

Under-20 Women (U20W)

There is more information about athlete eligibility for each division in the Bulletin.

What are the deadlines?

There are a number of deadlines. These can be found in the Bulletin.

Where can I find the event game schedule?

The event schedule is typically published several weeks prior to the event. This varies due to the changing circumstances of teams, players and even venues, however every effort is made to publish as early as possible. Once the game schedule draft is published you can find it here.

What are the fees?

There are a number of fees including Team Fee, Player Fees and sometimes optional fees such as meal packages etc. You can find all the fee details and their deadlines in the Bulletin.

Does my fee include Insurance?

No it does not. The event holder is insured but insurance is not provided to each participant as part of their fee. All participants must ensure they are insured whilst attending the event. All event participants (athletes, coaches and team support) are recommended to obtain travel insurance prior to booking flights and health insurance before leaving your home country. WFDF and the LOC do not provide coverage for participants outside of the general first aid administered at the fields. There are always risks associated with playing Ultimate and travelling. Although WJUC will have medical staff on site to deal with first aid and assess critical injuries, there may be injuries or illness in which players need follow up medical attention or emergency visits to local hospitals. There is general information about medical treatment and costs for visitors to the UK here.

WFDF and the LOC kindly request that all players and event participants acknowledge these risks and understand that WFDF and the LOC cannot be held liable for any risk or cost associated with injury or bad health at WJUC. All event participants should alleviate some personal financial liability by purchasing your own travel and health insurance to make sure you are covered for any medical issues or event/travel cancellations that could arise. Participants will be required to sign an Event Participant Agreement published in advance of the event.

Do spectators have to buy tickets?

Yes. All information about purchasing tickets can be found here.

What does the Guest Fee provide me?

Guests (non-playing team support) are officially part of the team but not on the playing roster. Guests differ from Spectators in that Guests receive a Player Pack, where provided, have access to official sidelines, accommodation & food, meetings and tournament parties, which are not provided to Spectators.

How to register?

Spectators do not have to register. Only players and non-playing team support who wish to be accredited to a team are required to register. Players and Non-Players are registered by the Team Manager.

What are the roster limits?

See Appendix D: WFDF Eligibility and Roster Guidelines for details.

What are the eligibility requirements?

See Appendix D: WFDF Eligibility and Roster Guidelines for details.

Can I provide scans of signed documents?

No. Documents that require a signature must be presented with an original pen signature. Copies or digital scans are not accepted.

What is the Roster Lock?

Roster Lock is a date (8-10 weeks before the event) when rosters are locked with no further changes permitted. There are injury exceptions. Details of the Roster Lock can be found in the Player Briefing document, which is typically issued 12 Weeks before the event.

Where can I find details on food and beverage available at the event?

There will be a food package for teams staying at the tournament accommodation - more info will be published here. There will also be Food and Beverage options on site for purchase - details will be published here.

What are the rules regarding event logo usage on team uniforms?

Teams competing at a WFDF-sanctioned event are permitted to use the official event logo on their uniforms only. The official logo must be no larger than 4"/10cm wide and can be used only once on any piece of official playing uniform. (Light and dark competition jerseys and shorts only).

The official event logo may not be used on non-uniform aspects intended for wear/use off the competition field. (Hats, long sleeves, warm-ups, bags, etc.) Use of the official event logo on uniforms does not mean that any team has any official connection or representation on behalf of the event. The use of the official event logo in ANY other form outside use on playing uniforms is strictly prohibited.

The event logo may not be used for printing in brochures, on promotional materials, adverts or discs. Any team found in breach of the uniform rules found in Appendix C: WFDF Uniform Requirements or in breach of the terms for the logo use will be referred to the WFDF Tournament Rules Group.

Related Links:

Can sponsor logos be placed on our uniforms?

The addition of sponsor logos to team uniforms is permitted so long as the uniform, layout and design are all the same. Sponsors should not include sports nutrition, hard liquor, tobacco, and casino or gambling businesses.

How big should the number be on our jerseys?

This event will follow the current WFDF Rules of Ultimate. Refer to Appendix C on page 13 for exact wording on uniform requirements. Your number (located on the back of each playing jersey) should be a minimum of 16cm high and 3cm wide. Your team uniform will be checked at the Captain's meeting. If you are producing new uniforms, please refer to WFDF's uniform guidelines about uniforms.