Tournament Food

Meal Location

Breakfast and evening meal during the tournament (and all meals pre and post tournament) will be at the City Centre Hub, Curzon Building, 4 Cardigan St, Birmingham B4 7BD, a short walk from all accommodation blocks. Please head to the main entrance on Cardigan Street to access the building and you will be directed to the dining area. Please see the walking walking route maps below to help guide you to the correct entrance. We will be here to greet you so it should be hard to miss!

Tournament Meal Information

In order to make sure all teams are able to get food quickly and catch a bus to arrive at the fields in time for games, please read the Meal and Bus Timetable carefully for your meal times and bus options.

UPDATE: Timetable has updated for Sunday, please ensure you are not late!

Point of Contact

Nathan Fowler - Accommodation & Catering Co-ordinator - +44 7474 902 676 (WhatsApp is easiest)

Pre & Post Tournament Meal Times


Monday 15th July - Saturday 20th July 

Monday 29th July - Wednesday 31st July

Start: 08:00 

End: 10:30


Monday 15th July - Saturday 20th July 

Sunday 28th July

Start: 12:00

End: 14:00


Monday 15th July - Thursday 18th July

& Sunday 28th - Tuesday 30th July

Start: 19:00

End: 20:30

Friday 19th July & Saturday 20th July

Start: 17:30

End: 20:30