Game Advisors

WJUC will be played according the WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2021-2024 and the Appendix 2021-2024, used at WFDF Ultimate Events.

Some games at WJUC will be played with Game Advisors who are there to support and advise, you can learn more here.

Game Advisors will work with players during some games selected games to help with game management, promote better understanding of the rules and Spirit of the Game and aid in improving the presentation of the sport to spectators.

Self-officiating is one of the key aspects of Ultimate and is embedded in the WFDF Rules of Ultimate. WFDF wants Ultimate to remain player-officiated as it defines the sport and its culture. It is an extremely unusual approach and it is undoubtedly part of the sport’s growing appeal.

Key roles and functions of the Game Advisors are:

  • Presence at games - simply by being present at the game, a GA can reduce the number of calls, types of calls, delays in play and contentions between teams.

  • Rules expertise - often disputes come down to players not knowing or disagreeing about the rules, having someone there to assist can help.

  • Call management - keeping players aware of the appropriate process for resolving calls can help move things forward.

  • Game management - being able to talk with Captains, Spirit Captains and coaches can help resolve any issues that might arise between teams.

  • Giving perspective - being able to provide an independent perspective ca help with call resolution, even if that perspective is that is was ‘too close to tell’ what occurred in the play.

It is important to note that the presence of Game Advisors does not diminish the responsibilities of players to self-officiate the sport of Ultimate.