Key Event Info

WJUC Timeline:

Opening Day - Sunday 21 July

  • 08:30 - Gates open

  • 09:45 - Ceremony start

  • 12:30 - Games start

  • 18:30 - Games end

  • 19:00 - Gates close

Weekdays - Monday 22 - Friday 26 July

  • 08:30 - Gates open

  • 09:30 - Games start

  • 18:30 - Games end

  • 19:00 - Gates close

    Please note: Quarter Finals are planned for Thursday 25 July;
    Semi Finals and Bronze Medal matches are planned for Friday 26 July

Athlete Party - Friday 26 July

  • This will be held in the evening at the City Centre Hub, Curzon Building, 4 Cardigan St, Birmingham B4 7BD

Finals Day - Saturday 27 July

  • 08:30 - Gates open

  • 09:30 - Games start

  • 17:30 - Tournament end

  • 19:00 - Gates close

Before you play:


Accreditation will take place on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 July

Location: Room TBC, City Centre Hub, Curzon Building, 4 Cardigan St, Birmingham B4 7BD

All teams must register before the event to collect their accreditation passes and player gifts. Players who are not accredited ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO PLAY. Registration for each and every player must be completed before any player may begin to compete.

All registered players, team members, staff, volunteers, media and guests will receive event accreditation attached to a lanyard. To be eligible to play, enter Moor Lane, utilise event services and access official event areas and social events, you must keep your accreditation on you at all times.

Captain and Spirit Captain Meetings

Meetings for Captains and Spirit Captains will take place on Saturday 20 July

Time: 19:00 - 20:00

Locations: Captains - Room C192, Spirit Captains - Room C140, First Floor, City Centre Hub, Curzon Building, 4 Cardigan St, Birmingham B4 7BD

Travel and Health Insurance

All event participants (athletes, coaches and team support) are recommended to obtain travel insurance prior to booking flights and health insurance before leaving your home country. WFDF and the LOC do not provide coverage for participants outside of the general first aid administered at the fields. There are always risks associated with playing Ultimate and travelling. Although WJUC will have medical staff on site to deal with first aid and assess critical injuries, there may be injuries or illness in which players need follow up medical attention or emergency visits to local hospitals. There is general information about medical treatment and costs for visitors to the UK here.

WFDF and the LOC kindly request that all players and event participants acknowledge these risks and understand that WFDF and the LOC cannot be held liable for any risk or cost associated with injury or bad health at WJUC. All event participants should alleviate some personal financial liability by purchasing your own travel and health insurance to make sure you are covered for any medical issues or event/travel cancellations that could arise. Participants will be required to sign an Event Participant Agreement published in advance of the event.