
Travel and Health Insurance

All event participants (athletes, coaches and team support) are recommended to obtain travel insurance prior to booking flights and health insurance before leaving your home country. WFDF and the LOC do not provide coverage for participants outside of the general first aid administered at the fields. There are always risks associated with playing Ultimate and travelling. Although WJUC will have medical staff on site to deal with first aid and assess critical injuries, there may be injuries or illness in which players need follow up medical attention or emergency visits to local hospitals. There is general information about medical treatment and costs for visitors to the UK here.

WFDF and the LOC kindly request that all players and event participants acknowledge these risks and understand that WFDF and the LOC cannot be held liable for any risk or cost associated with injury or bad health at WJUC. All event participants should alleviate some personal financial liability by purchasing your own travel and health insurance to make sure you are covered for any medical issues or event/travel cancellations that could arise. Participants will be required to sign an Event Participant Agreement published in advance of the event.

Information about medical provision at 2024 WJUC will be added closer to the event.

First Aid

First Aid providers will be on site throughout the event. They will be identified either in high-vis / green paramedic uniforms or in medical event staff shirts.

First Aid services are for players, volunteers and spectators. If you are feeling unwell or are injured, please seek medical advice. For serious injuries, the First Aid providers will ring for an external ambulance to transfer you to hospital. Please note that the nearest hospital is Birmingham City Hospital - Dudley Rd, Birmingham B18 7QH and is a 15-20 minute drive from Moor Lane. Please be prepared to organise your own transport for minor or non-emergency cases. For serious and life threatening injuries dial 999 and ask for ambulance.


We are pleased to be able to provide physiotherapy services for all athletes participating at 2024 WJUC. Physio services are free and include injury assessment and evaluation, massage / soft tissue release, taping (strapping). Not all physios will have the same level of experience and some may be students. We appreciate your patience and respect for all staff (or you will loose the privilege of being treated).

Any player with a pre-existing injury and / or who requires daily taping as part of their routine will need to provide their own tape.

Medical will be located at Moor Lane and will be marked on the field map.

Nearest A&E department / Urgent Care:

Birmingham City Hospital - Dudley Rd, Birmingham B18 7QH

Tel: 0121 507 4770

You may need to call 111 to determine the most appropriate location for emergency/urgent treatment - depending on the circumstances.

Please note - except in the case of an emergency where the medical team deems it necessary to take a player to hospital in the ambulance, we are not able to offer the facility of driving players to the hospital, nor sending a volunteer to look after and stay with them.